Monday 5 November 2007

Playboy - in Braile!!

This is possibly the most bizare idea that i have come across in my search for inclusive design. Really, Playboy for a blind person? It contains no images just the articles (although ive heard these are really quite good). Does this actually exist or is it just some cruel joke played on the people who may never be able to see a naked woman in all her glory. Who was it that decided to print Playboy in braille? How do you explain a naked woman to a pubescent, visually impaired teen?

Playboy in Braille makes you think. It's exciting but uncomfortable at the same time.


Holly Mee said...

This is really interesting that they are trying to reach all markets, even if you have never seen a woman before you make up your own version could be more fun, but like when reading a book you make up the character to how you think must be the same just using there descriptions...who knows, interesting marketing ploy though.

Bushido Hacks said...

If wanking off to porn makes you blind, then what happens if you have blind porn?